vendredi 18 décembre 2009


voici un lien lesson BBC avec texte ou mp3 et des activités

swine flu

pas mal but, moyen, conseils, 'on' / passive

good for debates... Easy text so read it and prepare five questions to test your friends.

artic ice

idem, sujet d'actualité, propice à débat, prédiction sur Coppenhague..

mots de liaison: owing to, due to, because of, in spite of, despite, that's why, consequently...etc

Un petit role play sympa:

A discussion between different parties interested in global warming.
Team up with classmates who have been assigned the same role to develop your roles and discuss ideas and “strategies” before the role play begins. Introduce yourself to the other role players. Discuss your roles after the role play ends.
Role A – Penguin leader
You live in Antarctica. You need global warming to stop. Temperatures must actually get cooler. Your species is at great risk of extinction. Your habitat, the ice, is melting and your sources of food are disappearing. The world must act to save you. The day the last penguin dies is the start of the end of the Earth.

Role B – Dessert dweller
You like the recent effects of global warming. It has brought a lot of unexpected rain to your land. For the first time you can grow things. You have bumper harvests. You have lots of water to drink. You think global warming is simply a matter or winners and losers. You think global warming or cooling has always happened.

Role C – Worried Martian
Billions of years ago, Mars, your planet, looked like Earth. Life was everywhere. However, greedy Martians controlled the energy sources and the Mars climate changed, killing all life – except you. The greedy Martians paid leaders to pretend nothing was happening and that alternative energies would arise. It was all too late. Advise the Earthlings and the penguins of the dangers of climate change.

Role D – U.S. President
You are terrified of taking measures to control global warming because you might lose your power. You believe scientists can build a huge machine to re-freeze the ice caps. You think keeping American jobs is more important than penguin food. You know better than the world’s climate experts. You don’t believe in aliens.

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