jeudi 13 décembre 2012

Jack the ripper scenario

Classe de seconde
Documents supports: images et texte cned en ligne+ bbc learning the suspects
Act 1
Getting into it...
Description of the images
You are sent on the scene think about the questions to ask
Now read the cover of the book and pick out the main information (wh questions)
Recap orally
Read the first page and highlight the main elements
Mise en commun
Travail de recherche de vocabulaire
Complete the inspector's report

Act 2
Questioning the witness
In pairs
Role play, one witness and one inspector
Two witnesses
Echange de role
Travail sur les questions

Complete the report of the inspector
Repérage des formes verbales et classification
Repérage des voix passives pourquoi la forme est elle utilisée?
A qui s'adresse-t-on?

Act 3
The two inspectors working on the first two murders meets and try to find clues.
They exhange information on their respective cases and try to find similarities in the two cases.
Play out the conversation. At the end of it, you must have gathered quite as many elements on the first murde as on the second.

Act 4
A stalemate
The investigation does go anywhere
Public opinion is getting critical
An article is written
Read it
Pick out the elements that determine the point of view
You are a private detective and you are very interested in the article
You collect as many data as you can and write a letter to the police explain how much and why you are interested in the case.

Act 5
you have finally convinced the police to include you in your instigation
You work in a team of 5.
Each one of you focuses on one suspect
After having analysed your file very closely and having read the files of the other members of the team, you all meet, exchange information and decide your ideal culprit.
Finally, you write a memo of the meeting.


Act 3
The two inspectors working on the first two murders meet and exchange information on your respective suspects

jeudi 6 décembre 2012

Taking part in a conversation

Taking part in a conversation

1° Signaling that you have something to say
Could I ask a question ?
I've got a question I'd like to ask...
I'd like to comment on that
I think we haven't considered the question of …
We need to take into account the fact that ….
One thing I'd like to mention is...

2° Interrupting
Can I just cut you here for a moment...
I'm sorry to interrupt you but....
Sorry to cut you, but...
If you don't mind, I'd like to add something

3° Responding to a comment
I think X made an interesting point
I'd like to add something to what X said
Can I come back to what X said

4° Agreeing
+ Reason : I agree with you because...
+ Elaboration : I think you are right. Indeed, ….
+ Example : Of course, that's true. For example/ For instance
+ Modulation : On the whole I tend to agree with you. Yet/ However...
On the one hand, I quite agree with you, but on the other hand...

5° Disagreeing
+ Reason : I don't agree with X because...
+ Opinion : I disagree with what you said. In my view./opinion...
+ Modulation : I don't think X is right. However...

6° Refering to readings
According to what X said in his lecture/ book...
The author argues that....
He/ She stated that....

7° Guessing/ Speculating
It's difficult to be sure, but we may+ BV
It could be....
I'm just guessing, I'm not hundred per cent sure, but I think that..